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Fox Hollies Special School

Fox Hollies Special School



Pathway 2  Curriculum Overview - Summer  Term - 2022             

Where my food comes from



Global Learning

Number and Counting

·Reading Topic book for term- Handa’s surprise.

 Geographical knowledge


Where food comes from-Foods from around the world- link to commonwealth games countries.

From plant to plate- the story of food transportation for fruit

Shopping in supermarkets- finding out where in the world different food comes from.

What kind of food do my family buy/eat? Where do they shop? – class surveys.

Planning, shopping for and preparing simple, healthy meals – Vegetable salad, pasta salad, fruit salad, chaana chaat.

Sustainability- Considering more sustainable shopping practices- e.g buying local, less packaging, compare buying from supermarket to a market stall- 5 Daily in Moseley.

Identify and purchase fair trade produce in supermarket.



· Daily opportunities for Number and Counting within a range of lessons and daily practical experiences.

·  Maths songs and games.

· Counting objects, addition and subtraction.

· Number recognition, rote counting.

·  Group Maths games

· Weekly reading of Rapid reading/PM reading and Symbols making sense scheme books.

· Personalised symbol books based on Food from around the world and Healthy Eating themes, individual experiences and interests.

· Daily opportunities for reading symbols, cue cards and symbol sentences.

·  Sequencing a story.

Geometry and Measures


·  Measuring and sorting by size- link to gardening through measuring plants, bulbs, seeds, fruit and vegetables. Links to Handa’s surprise

·  Measuring height and length and different foods and plants.

· Sorting and identifying objects.

· Making bar charts and tally charts.




·  Writing, tracing and copying key vocabulary, ingredients, names and places related to the topic theme, as well as individually motivating / relevant words.

·  Making posters and adverts for the garden shop and The Incredible Surplus project.

·  Writing invitations and making cards.

·   Writing ingredients and instructions for healthy snacks.





Physical Education

Speaking and Listening

Assembly themes and RE

·   Daily access to movement activities at playtimes.

·   Weekly PE sessions– Athletics and Games skills

·   Weekly movement through Circus skills session.

· Weekly access to school community including the garden and access to trampoline.




·  Expressive communication through PECS, using Communication books, Makaton and vocalising.

· Group storytelling and turn taking, listening and responding to requests.

· Teaching topic related vocabulary and signs, modelling key words and sentences.

· Using colourful semantics approach to build vocabulary and structure.

· Listening and following instructions.

·  Eid celebration.

· Avoiding food waste.

·  International Day of Families.

· Queens jubilee celebrations.

· World Environment Day.

· World refugee day.

· Looking after our environment.

·  Nelson Mandela day 

Art – Printing and Textiles


Preparing for Adulthood  (Post 16)

·  Explore techniques of printing including batik. Focus on Colour and shape

·  Looking at Artist Yinka Shonibare- textiles

·  Creating Artwork for presentation at the Mac for Commonwealth games.

· Sewing around shapes

· Look at collage artist-Arcimboldo-fruit and vegetable collages

·  Creating collages with objects, materials and images.





Different relationships, Naming body parts

Relationships- family and friends. Life cycle of a human

Puberty and adolescence – how we grow and change

Sexual relationships and consent

Living in the Wider World

Human rights, My community, Preparing for adulthood, Transition and change







Daily experiences and activities under the 4 PFA outcomes, both as part of a small group and individualised and personally relevant:

1.Employment – Growing foods in the garden, creating items for Garden sale.

2. Independent Living – Cooking skills, household skills and cleaning in flat.

3. Community Inclusion – Shopping in supermarket for ingredients, visit to local market stall- 5 Daily in Moseley.

4. Health- Preparing healthy meals and snacks. Engaging in exercise