We welcome all our visitors, be they families, visiting professionals or students from other schools.
On arrival you will only be able to gain access to the school via a security door system which includes a CCTV feed so we can visually identify you. You will be asked to sign in and issued with a identification badge which should be displayed clearly for the duration of your visit.
The nature of the school means that the building is accessible to all. However, should you have any specific requirements, please let us know in advance.
Should you have any concerns that arise during your visit, please don't hesitate to talk to staff who will be pleased to advise you.
There are two ways to get into the school once you arrive. If you are driving, there is car parking available at the Queensbridge entrance on Queensbridge Road. Alternatively, if your stay is short there is limited parking available at the Alcester Road entrance. We ask that you avoid parking in this area during busy times at the beginning and end of the school day.
Information for Visitors
Welcome to Fox Hollies School.
At this school we are committed to the highest standards of safeguarding the children entrusted to our care. We aim to:
- create an atmosphere where our children can feel secure, valued and listened to;
- promote a caring, safe and positive environment within the school;
- encourage self-esteem and self-assertiveness.
Please report any concerns that you may have about any of our children to the DSL (please ask at the School Office for the DSL’s name). Safeguarding advice for visitors is displayed clearly throughout school, on the leaflet, and a copy of our policy is available upon request.
Please would all visitors note the following:
- The school site is a ‘No Smoking’ zone.
- Please be ready to show your ID and DBS number and date (if you have one) to the Admin staff at Reception upon arrival.
We would advise that, whilst pupils are in the school, use of mobile phones is prohibited. Photographing or recording using any type of mobile device without prior permission is forbidden on this site.
- At this school, we encourage our children to be polite to everyone and to resolve differences in a calm manner. We always try to set an example of how we wish our children to behave and would ask you to support this.
- GDPR: by signing in, you agree to abide by our GDPR-compliant Data protection Policy, section 2.7.
We have a legitimate interest in recording your personal details so that we can exercise our duty of care towards you during your visit and also in the event of any future liability for loss and harm incurred whilst on our site.Your details will be securely retained for a maximum of six years.
We hope you enjoy your visit to our school!