Update on school closure
School remains closed to students on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd March whilst scaffolding is taken down from the site. We hope to be reopen on Wednesday. Thanks for your patience.
Update- roof repairs and school closure
I understand that it must be very challenging having your young people out of school for such a length of time and want to assure you that we have been doing our utmost to get school operational again.
We have taken advice from the Local Authority and had a visit from the Health and Safety team to risk assess the site. Following the risk assessment we can open to Lower School students as of tomorrow, (Tuesday 25th) but please be advised that when further works continue to the roof and machinery gets brought in, we may need to close again.
Lower School is in a separate wing to the building, not currently affected by scaffolding and we can therefore make arrangements for these students to have a separate fire evacuation route and outdoor space when needed. We are unfortunately unable to put sufficient safety provisions in place for the rest of school currently as we have scaffolding taking out much of our outside area and blocking fire evacuation routes and fire assembly points.
At this point therefore, school will remain closed to the rest of our students for the remainder of the week due to Health and Safety concerns. If the situation changes, we will of course let you know and if it looks like this closure will go beyond next week, then we are working with the Local Authority to look for alternative educational provision.
I am sorry that some of you may have received a text in error earlier today, which was meant for the guides- please disregard this.
Please contact me in school if you wish to discuss individual concerns and I will do my very best to help. The safety of your young people is paramount.
Yours sincerely,
Sinéad Davies (Head teacher)