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Fox Hollies Special School

Fox Hollies Special School

We are looking at the Photographer J Henry Fair this term. In small aeroplanes, he circles above industrial areas and photographs with a bird's eye perspective the effects humans have on our world.  Topics of particular interest include the global warming and environmental pollution.  

Students from 3S have been inspired by his work and they have collectively created and made their own polluted scene up in the garden using marbling inks to represent oil, recycled plastics found polluting our oceans and natural resources found in the garden to capture beautiful abstract images that tell a very sad story, just like Fair does with his work.

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3S have been so engaged and inspired they really have blown us out of the water with their ideas and creativity. The images are just incredible and taken independently. They are that great we have entered one photograph by 3S into a competition on the BBC website it's called ‘in my hand’ here is the link We set the theme, you take the pictures - BBC News 


Students have titled their work ‘Pollution is in our hands’

Here are some more sensational images they have taken