Home Learning
Remote learning is particularly challenging for students in Pathway 1 due to their complex needs. Traditional remote learning styles such as worksheets and online classes are in-accessible and hold little educational value for students. Instead students have been offered motivating and engaging activities at their cognitive level. Students have been given a mixture of concrete objects and activities and virtual recordings to support and enhance families' abilities to facilitate learning at home. This remote learning offer has been supported by regular and quality communication with families, further increasing home and school links and knowledge and understanding that families have about how their children learn.
Sensory Letter Box Boxes
The boxes offer a range of motivating sensory exploration for students whilst at home. These sensory activities give students chance to build attention skills and engagement whilst promoting wellbeing and enjoyment. Sensory learning opportunities are relevant for students in Pathway 1 as all students have sensory processing challenges and therefore need regular opportunity to develop their senses. The boxes have a number of different items that support the development of these senses, these include: lavender bags, resistant bands, fibre otic lights, bubbles and massagers.
Example of a Sensory Letter box Box
The boxes are accompanied by a timetable, every day a link via a text message is sent with access to videos guiding parents on ways to use the sensory objects and advice on how to support learning at home. The boxes offer stimulating and interactive resources that support sensory development and wellbeing whilst they are at home.
Sensory Letterbox Box Timetable
Example Video accompanying timetabled activities: