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Fox Hollies Special School

Fox Hollies Special School


Pathway 2           

Curriculum Overview – Summer Term 2024 – Having your say- My rights



Global Learning

Number and Counting


KS3- All are welcome- Alexander Penfold

 KS4 and KS5 - ‘One World Many Colours’ Ben Lerwill

Citizenship- democracy, voting for activities to take part in a P2 sports day. Share views and favourites across classes

Class council meetings to feed into school council


Key stage 3 Tubes and transport – Underground signs, Red bus, Black cab, London- landmarks Wimbledon – Tennis

Key stage 4 Geography of the British Isles, Capital City- London- landmarks Wimbledon – Tennis

Food technology   –All students Voting and choosing healthy snacks in – salads and fruit salads Key Stage 3  Making a range of vegetable salads, pupils choosing ingredients to make vegetable salad, pasta salad, chana chaat and coleslaw. Pupils making choices and preferences

Key Stage 4/5 –Making pizza, pupils to select ingredients for pizza, making choices and indicating preferences for toppings

 Making a range of vegetable salads, pupils choosing ingredients to make vegetable salad, pasta salad, chana chaat and coleslaw. Pupils making choices and preferences

Key Stage 5 Preparing a range of drinks and snacks.

Horticulture - Key Stage 3- Improving an area of the garden, creating herb garden, Key stage 4 and 5- Creating a herb garden, Growing food from seeds, potatoes,  tomatoes, radish, rocket, cucumber

  • Daily opportunities for Number and Counting within a range of lessons and daily practical experiences.
  • Daily calendar, date and days of week.
  • Maths songs and games, counting forwards and backwards.
  • Counting objects, addition and subtraction.
  • Number recognition, rote counting.
  • Weekly reading of Rapid reading/PM reading and Symbols making sense scheme books.
  • Personalised symbol books based
  • Daily opportunities for reading symbols, cue card and symbol sentences.
  • Sequencing - sequencing a sentence and using colourful semantics.
  • Key Stage 3 - reading key text vocabulary, words/symbols/use of colourful semantics
  • Key stage 4- reading key text vocabulary words/symbols/use of dictionaries

Data Handling-Sorting and Money


  • Key Stage 3- Data handling- Sorting –Choosing and voting using a range of topics, sports, fruits, vegetables etc. , comparing sets, more, les, bigger, smaller. Gathering information from votes and sorting into sets and bar charts. Money – Counting out, sorting and naming coins.
  • Key Stage 4-
  • Sorting- Voting and counting, making sets and bar charts and answering questions about the information.
  • Money Giving change from 5 and 10- Simple subtraction. Coin recognition and making money equivalence
  • Writing, tracing and copying key vocabulary, ingredients, names and places related to the topic theme, as well as individually motivating / relevant words.
  • Writing ingredients and instructions for food tech.
  • Key stage 3 – Sharing information about self, creating posters
  • Key stage 4 – sharing information about self, creating a fact file/passport

Physical Education

Speaking and Listening

Assembly themes and RE - All Key stages

  • Daily access to movement activities at playtimes.
  • Weekly PE sessions– KS3- Olympic games- relays and races. Javelin, hurdles, goal ball, tennis, high jump
  • KS4 and 5- Dance and Games skills- Olympic games- relays and races. Javelin, hurdles, goal ball, tennis, high jump


  • Weekly access to school community including the garden and access to trampoline.
  • Expressive communication through PECS, using Communication books, Makaton and vocalising.
  • Use of symbols and words to talk about interests and likes.
  • Teaching topic related vocabulary and signs, modelling key words and sentences.
  • Using colourful semantics approach to build vocabulary and structure.
  • Receptive Communication -Group games and turn taking, listening and responding to requests.
  • Listening and following instructions.


International day of families

The right to vote

World bee day

World environment day

Father’s day

Healthy Eating

Keeping safe in the summer



Creative Learning– All Key Stages

RHSE – All key stages

Preparing for Adulthood  Key Stage 5

  • Key Stage 3-DT- 3D models of London using range of construction and resources. Art- Observational drawing London landmarks
  • Key Stage 4 and 5

Design and technology Designing and making instruments- including drums and maracas. Creating banners and signs to use in the performance.

Music –Key Stage 3- Working with artist in residence, create sound recordings using vocals and other instruments.

  • Key Stage 4 and 5- Exploring music at different levels, loud and quiet. Using an copying rhythms with instruments and voices. work to creating a piece of music to go with a Drama/Music performance at the end of term
  • Drama – Story of the Olympics and Mo Farah

. KS3/4 and 5 Procedural Knowledge:  Use knowledge of rights and responsibilities to form opinions- Link to Unicef Rights Respecting Schools


Pupils to learn about different relationships, how people develop relationships, love and marriage.

Body parts, male and female, the human life cycle, where relevant teach pupils about sex, consent and safety.

Living in the wider world

My community and human rights, looking after the environment



Daily experiences and activities under the 4 PFA outcomes…

1.Employment – Work related learning, doing laundry; cleaning and organising in food tech room and the flat. Exploring sequencing and sorting and measure through functional skills.

2. Independent Living –Looking after their own environment by developing cooking skills, household skills and cleaning in the flat.

 3. Community Inclusion – Caring for the environment, looking at Visits to a range of community settings- different shops, cafes, park, library and the arts.

  4. Health-  Developing independent living skills: Being healthy by preparing healthy meals and snacks; choosing healthy options; connecting and interacting with others; engaging in a range of sports, engaging with physio programmes and developing skills in personal hygiene.